Recently, the wonderful team at BoldJourney Magazine asked me to chat with them about my career journey, and my advice for overcoming professional challenges. 

Here’s a few snippets from our convo:

On being fired or laid off:

“The reality is – of course – that professional decisions are made every day (like who to fire or which teams to lay off) that have very little to do with how hard you’ve worked, how committed you are, or how much you’ve given up to succeed somewhere. It’s next to impossible to draw straight lines from effort, talent, and skill directly to professional outcomes – there’s always stuff that gets in the way and reroutes your path.” 

On staying afloat:

“Professional momentum is very real, and losing it is much easier than sustaining it.”

On setting boundaries:

“Learn your professional thresholds. Know when to dive in, when to step back, when to take charge, when to delegate, when to emotionally invest, and when to disengage.”

If you’re interested in seeing more from our convo, you can view the whole article by clicking on this link.